Wednesday, April 30, 2008

lots of thanks to everybody

may is specials month for me.....on may 14th, i will be turning!...i never thought i will still be into punk at this age...chingado! 23 years and still collection is a dedication to all the so called punks who called me a poser in my school years...who's the poser now.....punk por thanks to everybody who leaves messages on the blog, and the bands who owns the rights of these records (thanks for the music).....i will put up more music soon, keep your eyes out.....nemesio el amargado

ps.....check out my homies blogs, they have very good music:

pss.....please leave messages or i will take more longer to put up music.....ha!...any kind of message will do.....gracias.....oi!


Papst Benedikt XVI said...

as I don´t know when you´ve birthday I´ll say happy birthday now and thanks for mentioning my blog! b.t.w. way back when some idiots used to call me posers too! well, like you I´m still around!

Anonymous said...

Lalo, put up more oi and black metal!!! Impiety destroys!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. 31 here and can't wait to see Systematic Death on Sunday and Monday.

gone said...

snap,39 on may the 16th old age sucks..

Anonymous said...

- i'll be 41 on may 12. happy birthday everyone!

7inchcrust said...

happy birthday!!!!
stay punk, in it for life!

Nish said...

Happy Birthday! it up!
40's right around the corner.
You have to drink 37 beers for good luck this year ;)

Have a great one my friend!

Anonymous said...

Lalo you're gonna be 37 years young!!!!! You'll always be a kid at heart homie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Felicidades al culpable del mejor blog de discos de la red.
Old punks never die!!!

David! said...

A huevo, espero pases un feliz cumpleaños...y pues hacerca del punk, yo creo que por tanto tiempo simplemente debe de venir natural en ti.

Suerte y saludos desde monterrey nuevoleon mexico!

p.d.gracias por los discos je has subido

Anonymous said...

hey, we are about the same age, all the best.